FEB 8, 2024 - GHOSTING Photography
Ghost Photography ranges from impossible to incredible, whether captured in your camera or added behind the scenes. Translucent images embedded in your photograph tell stories by showing changes in space, time and movement. View our video and easy to follow written instructions. Use Photoshop with our sample image to learn to create unlimited possibilities. It’s a great way to bring out the ghost in your life and take your creativity to a whole new level.
Handout and the video tutorial for the meeting are here and here, respectively.
My Meeting events are free events. See what is coming up in the My Meeting page and join us in one of these events to learn more about the fun things we do at the Minnesota Valley Photography Club.

Last Thursday Julie, with help from Ben, gave a presentation on ghost photography – long exposures and motion to do something different. Then we tried some. It was fun, another activity where I’m not sure I did it right. Thanks Julie and Ben.
I have another image where I did a 20 second exposure with Ben and Diane sitting in the chairs, then halfway through I had them switch places. The result is too disturbing for me. – Bob Tourdot