
Photographer's Playground


We will be taking long exposure photos of water as well as vehicles and possibly clouds. The sunset is at 8:10pm, so we should be able to get some light trails toward the end of the session. One fun subject could be the light rail as it passes by the area.

Photographer’s Playground mini-workshops are free events. See what is coming up in the Photographer’s Playground and join us in one of these events to learn more about us, Don and our club.

Rock photograph by William Frische

On this evening excursion to Minnehaha Park in Minneapolis a group of Club photographers shot long exposures (one-quarter to half a second worked best) of Minnehaha Creek flowing swiftly past banks budding with new growth. Professional photographer and Club member Don Tredinnick led the outing–thanks for keeping us dry and sharing your knowledge, Don!  – Phil Davies

Photographers at the Falls photograph by Bob Tourdot